I have done many helicopter elopements and helicopter sessions with couples. This Cranbrook helicopter elopement went down in history as my favorite by far. Bighorn Helicopters was absolutely incredible to work with. The mountains in the Cranbrook area are incredible. I had no idea that the area around there was so stunning!

Cranbrook Elopement Ceremony
Morgan and Camille got married in a secluded little spot that they had found prior to the elopement day. Camille’s dad drove us in a pickup truck down an off road trail through the trees. We came to a grassy clearing, with mountains rising up for a perfect backdrop. Forest fires cast a hazy diffused glow across the landscape, making the light an elopement photographer’s dream! Morgan and Camille did a private first look before arriving at the ceremony together. Their parents and siblings were waiting. We did not expect to have such warm and beautiful weather on this October day, but it was actually almost too warm! Before I even started taking photos, I knew this day would be a favorite. Everyone was so friendly, kind and easy to chat with. I have known Morgan’s family since we were little kids, so that was also really nice!
My favorite thing ever is when couples do personal vows at their ceremony. And this was no exception. Personal vows add so much more personality and emotion to a ceremony, and they are worth it every time. After the ceremony, we took some family photos, and waited for the helicopter to arrive.

Bighorn Helicopters
I cannot give a big enough shout out to Bighorn Helicopters in Cranbrook. The pilot was amazing, and did everything we asked him to do. As he flew into the ceremony site to land, I tried to line the family and couple up really quickly for a shot with the helicopter in the air above! We sort of succeeded! The pilot landed, got out, and gave us a quick safety debriefing. Morgan really wanted a photo with them on the ground and the helicopter in the air, so we asked the pilot if that would be possible. He obliged! Morgan and Camille got into position, and the helicopter took off and hovered just off the ground. The couple ran toward the helicopter, hair, dress, suit and everything flying in the wind. I managed to snap photos AND video footage. Epic.

The main thing this couple wanted for their Cranbrook helicopter elopement was to have photos of them in the landscape that they spend so much time in together. As we flew off over to the mountain peaks, Camille pointed out all kinds of hiking trails that they had hiked on together. Little packed down dirt paths wound their way like snakes up the mountain sides below us. The first location we landed at had beautiful golden larches and a stunning alpine lake. We ran around like mountain goats, taking photos for about half an hour.

Next the pilot took us a little higher, and we had a view behind us of a gorgeous valley with a lake and endless larches. And last of all, we went to one of their favorite spots with a glacier as a backdrop. The sun was really dropping now, and the light was making me very happy! We snapped some absolutely incredible shots, some of my career favorites for sure, in this stunning location.

At one point in time, Camille looked over at Morgan and almost started crying. It was as if she could hardly believe this was them, out in their favorite place together, finally married. Priceless.

We flew back to town, and as we landed, noticed something on the back of their car! Morgan’s family had attached some hearts to the bumper that said “Just Married”. And of course, tied cans to the bumper too! We said goodbye, and Morgan and Camille drove off to meet their family for supper!
This Cranbrook helicopter elopement was absolutely epic. I could not recommend Bighorn Helicopters enough for your helicopter elopement!

If you want to start planning your own helicopter elopement in BC or Alberta, reach out to me here and let’s get started on your epic adventure!
Dress: David’s Bridal
Flowers: Hidden Botanics